Precision AC Repair Service

Precision AC Repair Service Details

Precision air conditioning controls the ambient environment by providing constant temperature and humidity conditions to costly and sensitive sophisticated electronic equipments throughout the year. We provide complete services from installation to its maintenance.

Precise and quick processor-based temperature control, to keep your IT equipment at the right temperature, always. Precision air conditioners are designed to manage high levels of sensible heat (heat without humidity, emanated by machines) while comfort/standard air conditioners are designed to manage latent heat (heat with humidity, emanated by people).

Repairing Service

Depending on the type of the cooling system used in these systems, the packaged air conditioners are divided into two types: ones with water cooled condenser and the ones with air cooled condensers. We provide best repair services for both types of package air conditioner in Gujarat at your door step.

Installation Service

All the important components of the packaged air conditioners are enclosed in a single casing like window AC. Thus the compressor, cooling coil, air handling unit and the air filter are all housed in a single casing and assembled at the factory location. We provide complete installation service for both types of package air conditioner.

Reduced overall
energy costs

Lower maintenance
Proper ventilation

AC Service in Vadodara